31 Marzo 2017 – 1 Aprile 2017


Aula Nievo, Palazzo del Bo, University of Padova Via 8 Febbraio, 2 35122 Padova

Crediti ECM: Il congresso ha ottenuto 7.7 crediti ECM

L’evento si rivolge a: Anatomia patologica, Biologia, Chirurgia Generale, Chirurgia Toracica, Farmacologia, Genetica Medica, Infermiere, Laboratorio di Genetica Medica, Malattie Apparato Respiratorio, Medicina Nucleare, Medicina del lavoro, Neuroradiologia, Oncologia, Ortopedia, Patologia Clinica, Radiodiagnostica, Radioterapia


Thoracic Oncology Padova (TOP) conference 2017
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: focus on oligometastatic disease and 2017 update

Non-small cell lung cancer is one of the most frequent and dismal solid tumors. In the latest period it has become also one of the front runners in translational research and in the development of new therapeutic strategies. The increasing knowledge of biological heterogeneity of the disease and the new complexity in treatment approach lead to improved clinical outcome but also to the necessity of continuous research advances’ update. One essential point in providing optimal care to lung cancer patients is the possibility to discuss and share the diagnostic and therapeutic program in a multidisciplinary team including oncologists, surgeons, radiotherapists, pneumologists, pathologists, radiologists. The aim of the conference is to provide update on clinical cancer research in lung cancer and discuss specific topic in a multidisciplinary group, through lectures, clinical cases discussion and opportunity to share opinions and experiences between speakers and attendees. The TOP conference in 2017 will focus on the management of oligometastatic Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

The improvement of both surgical and non surgical local treatments, the definition of molecularly defined subgroups of NSCLC in which we can plan long-term control of metastatic disease and the new perspectives of immunotherapy are elements that make the management of oligometastatic and oligoprogressing NSCLC one crucial point to improve clinical outcome of NSCLC patients. In this specific topic, sharing and discussing multidisciplinary experience is essential and may improve our clinical approach.

Relazioni Evento

31 Marzo

– Definition of oligometastatic NSCLC in the context of innovative treatments P. Conte
– Multidisciplinary Tumor Board: Clinical Cases – Schiavon
Caso Clinico V Polo
– Immunomarkers for Characterization of Oligometastatic Disease: Role for Diagnosis and Treatment – Dei Tos
– Staging of oligometastatic lung cancer – L. Evangelista
– Indications, role and timing of surgical approach in oligometastatic NSCLC – M. Alifano
– Local treatment in oligometastatic NSCLC: discussion – Bonanno

1 Aprile

– New option for oncogene addicted NSCLCs: potential improvement in first line setting – A. Ardizzoni
– New option for oncogene addicted NSCLCs: option for acquired resistance V. Gregorc
– Radiotherapy F. Alongi
– Surgical approach U. Pastorino
